Norman Nichola

Access denied. This section requires you to be an LTG member to view.

To get access' credentials, you could apply for an LTG membership and, to this aim, please complete and submit the online application form.

All applications must be supported by an existing member of the group. For acceptance the supporting member must be present at the business meeting when the application is presented to the group. Alternatively a statement in support of the application may be submitted in advance to the secretary. When neither criteria are fulfilled, the application will be deferred to the subsequent meeting.

Upon acceptance, besides all other benefits, members will receive by e-mail access credentials to freely enter the secure area of the LTG website.

Please, read more about LTG membership.

If you are already an LTG member but you still don't have your access credentials, please contact to get them.

Do not forget to add the contact details supplied when you joined the Association.