
December LTG Meeting: Call for Abstracts!

The next LTG will be the Christmas meeting, to be held on 13th December 2013 at Charles Darwin House Conference Centre. This meeting will take the form of a poster and oral session, plus our AGM. We invite contributions from membership;

Poster & Orals:

Posters are welcome to be displayed from all members, non-members and corporate members at this meeting. Please send the title of your poster, plus a short abstract if possible to . We have plenty of room to display lots of posters, so please bring as many as you wish and show your colleagues about all your projects, case work and research.

Instead of just poster presentations, we are offering a new element - mini oral presentations. The LTG have the pleasure in announcing a new prize - the Brian Widdop Prize for best oral presentation.

The committee have decided to open the Brian Widdop prize to all entrants, but the John Jackson prize will remain open only to 35 yrs and under. You do not have to be a member to enter an oral or poster presentation. Prizes of £100 for best poster and £150 for best oral are being offered, and will be judged by members of the Academic subgroup. A member of Brian Widdops family will be present to award the first prize.

We are now calling for abstracts for the oral presentations, then the committee can choose the best 5 or 6 to be presented on the day (all posters can be displayed). Please see guidance notes for this. Deadline is 1st November, with notification by mid November if your abstract has been selected for presentation. Please send your oral presentation abstract to

Decembers meeting will take the same formats as our previous meetings this year;

10:30 - 12:30 Oral presentations (15+5 min slots)
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 16:00 Poster presentations
16:00 - 17:00 Presentation of prize, business meeting & AGM

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