
The Role of Local Authorities in Tackling Alcohol Misuse

A conference addressing the Impact Alcohol has on Health and Crime in the UK. The number of alcohol related crimes recorded across England was close to 704,000. Moreover, alcohol was a contributing factor to over a million incidences of assaults as well as being associated with a further 125,000 incidences of domestic abuse.

The Role of Local Authorities in Tackling Alcohol Misuse

Addressing the Impact Alcohol has on Health and Crime in the UK

Central London
Wednesday 9th November 2016

In 2016, the Government commissioned a guidance report on alcohol abuse in England. The report stated that during that year, alcohol misuse cost the NHS £3.5 billion. Equally, alcohol related crime cost the tax payer £11.billion for this year as well, significantly increasing the pressure on the criminal justice system.

The impact that alcohol abuse has on public health is considerable. Nearly seven million adults are currently drinking at levels that pose great risks to their health. A further one and a half million adults show genuine signs of alcohol dependence, and annually one million hospital admissions are alcohol related. These figures suggest tackling alcohol misuse requires urgent action in order to alleviate pressure on our National Health Service.

It is also clear that alcohol related crime presents a major challenge to our society, putting increased strain on our police and the criminal justice system. The number of alcohol related crimes recorded across England was close to 704,000. Moreover, alcohol was a contributing factor to over a million incidences of assaults as well as being associated with a further 125,000 incidences of domestic abuse.

With alcohol misuse increasing again following a dip during the recession, this timely symposium will provide delegates an excellent platform to examine the main issues and develop strategies to tackle this problem. It will assess how local authorities can enact stronger licensing laws and look directly at current alcohol education programmes and their effectiveness. From a national perspective speakers will highlight what the Government could do to help local authorities in tackling the problem.

I am pleased to advise you that we offer a 20% early registration discount off the standard delegate rates for all bookings received by the 21st October 2016. For further details about the symposium, please refer to the enclosed event brochure. Do feel free to circulate this information to relevant colleagues within your organisation.

In the meantime, to ensure your organisation is represented, please book online or complete and return the attached registration form at your earliest convenience in order to secure your delegate place(s).

Kind regards,

Conference Team
Public Policy Exchange
Tel: 020 3137 8630
Fax: 020 3137 1459

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